Our mission is to serve as conduits
of God‘s grace, mercy and Love.
Benjamin was a pioneer in the naturopathic treatment of infants with cancer and genetic conditions.
Within Ben’s first year of life, he was diagnosed with severe pulmonary hypertension and two rare forms of liver cancer, Hepatoblastoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Because of his underlying pulmonary hypertension, Benjamin was not a candidate for traditional cancer treatments. That marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey of healing through faith and naturopathic practices.
Though Benjamin‘s treatments successfully cured him of cancer and reversed his pulmonary hypertension, his life on earth ended due to an accident with his tracheotomy equipment. He was just short of 3 years old.
Ben’s departure from this world was devastating to his parents but they found a renewed sense of purpose in this foundation they stood up in his name. Their pledge to their son, is to serve the Lord until the day they can be together again. All the glory is given to God.